Welcome to Athletics/Activities Page

 Athletics and activities are vital education component to Manitou Springs School District. Our programs are designed to promote the physical, and social development of all students; to provide opportunities for leadership; to provide avenues to serve school and community; and to develop the interest and talents of our students.

Cameron Jones.
Athletic/Activities Director

MSHS Sports Information Night - May 21st at 7:00pm.
Learn about our summer athletic opportunities and open gyms - Hear about our summer strength and conditioning program - Connect with our coaching staff - Find information regarding athletic programs and connect on SportsYou - Get help with digital registration - Sign up for our upcoming sports physical days.

Read the latest "Stang Country Newsletter"

Purchase your Manitou Springs Mustang Gear Here!

We have partnered with Sideline stores to offer online sales of exclusive Mustang gear year-round. Turn-round time is 2-4 weeks from order to delivery. Use code SPIRIT20 to save 20% during the grand opening sale.
Purchase Here
